“I’ve Come to Serve”
Following Jesus can be very confusing, frustrating & surprising. No doubt His disciples in the upper room that day were scratching their heads when without saying a word Jesus just gets up & starts washing their feet. The silence was broken without a word spoken until Peter questioned Jesus after He arrived at Peter’s feet.
The heart of what we’ll see today is that what Jesus did to & for the disciples after what we call The Last Supper had begun is what He is calling us to do to one another today. As is the case with everything Jesus tells us do, while we may wonder & question why He’d say such a thing, that He said it is all we need to know. Doing whatever He tells us to do is always best. Always.
When Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, He …
1. gently, powerfully & clearly affirmed their need for Him.
His actions opened the door to a very teachable moment initiated by Simon Peter.
John 13:1-11
2. left an example connected to a commitment for us to follow.
While some would say this was a sacrament He was establishing, He says “example.”
Making It Real
1] How does pondering what this must have been like for them speak to you?
2] In what ways have & in what ways will you seek to serve those around you?
Action Step
Ask God to lead you this week to three people you know who “need to have
their feet washed.” Serve them as creatively & compellingly as you can.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page March 13, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com